Women’s Holistic Health Coach

Harmonizing well-being by embracing the natural balance of our divine design.

Feel Familiar?:

I offer a functional lab test called HTMA to pinpoint the root cause of your symptoms quickly, avoiding guesswork.

Postpartum Blues

Foggy Thinking

low energy, low battery

Poor Digestion

large intestine with poor digestion


Mood Swings


Hormonal Acne

gain and loss arrows

Weight Gain/Loss


How It Works

Step 1:

discovery call
  • Share about yourself.

  • Find out what a personal holistic health coach can offer you.

  • Learn about the HTMA test.

  • In this 15min call, chat with Brooke about any questions you have and how your healthy journey can go.

Book a Discovery Call.

Step 2:

  • Choose a plan.

  • Take the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test (HTMA) and quickly discover the root cause of your symptoms.

  • Discover your health history and ways you need support.

Get the Care You Need.

  • Start your health journey.

  • Get encouragement and support from your personal Holistic Health Coach, Brooke.

Start Feeling Better.

Step 3:

start feeling better

Let’s Start Feeling Better.